I picked this topic because i thought it was really sad. You may notice that face book fans are shedding likes. It is because Facebook has begun to delete fake accounts and likes. So popular fan pages will seem to have a reduced number of followers but they actually only have a reduced amount of apparent followers the actual people who follow the page is the same. This is a part of Facebook's efforts to improve systems that detect illegitimate likes.
Named the BattleHawk Squad Level Loitering Munition it is a plane that can fly over a location looking for targets and taking them out with its 40 mm charge.New technologies allow allow for guided bombs that fit inside of a backpack to be fired from a motor. It allows guided accurate strikes against targets now instead of allowing them to hide in mountains. It was developed by Textron Defense Systems. This device gives us the ability to add human knowledge to the before unintelligent bombing system. Currently the system is being tested by the United States Rapid Equiping force. Click here to read more
I eat ice-cream. I had a early birthday cake over the summer. I stayed in Vancouver B.C. I stayed hunkered inside of a large house. I stayed in one corner of it. Only leaving to go to the library. Which I did periodically. The vancouver public library system is pretty good compared to N.J.'s which I always take for granted. I read around 146 books over the summer. I also ate ice cream. I also played Dota 2, Starcraft 2, and played on a highlander team for the game Team Fortress 2. Click here to view website of vancouver's public library. here is a video of the library
My name is Andy Lo. I like ice cream. Kittens are annoying. My family is dumb. My friends are nice. I do not like cannolis on top of cakes. I like cakes with layers. My favorite cakes are fruit layered and have a cheese cake base. Ice cream cake is not funny. I play a multitude of strategy games apparently including dota 2. I am taking ss1 honors web 2.0 gym/health lunch spanish 2 english 1 honors biology and geometry. I am in every non sport, band or choir club.
Spestle has created a new way to make money.It innovates from convention opening up a whole new aspect of making money by using technology. You can now make a mix of spices and sell them but without any risk. You make money only when it sells. The company makes money by slightly overpricing it. There is no risk on their side because of the fact that they make the spices to order and if your mix does not sell they don't make it so there is no risk for either side but big reward for them. They take all the risk away from being a small time seller and pay you money for inventing the mix or spices that they sell for you